6 Tips to Become a Better Forklift Operator

6 Tips to Become a Better Forklift Operator

New day… New challenges… Being a forklift operator isn’t a walk in the park. Each day you have to operate your heavy machinery in such a way that it doesn’t collide with your co-workers or other heavy types of machinery present in the area of operation. Despite how experienced you are, accidents are inevitable. But you can surely take some initiatives from your side to prevent these. Here are some tips that will help you to avoid accidents so that you can become a better forklift operator. Let’s get started with it.

But foremost, forklift operators need to have an operating license. If someone doesn’t have one and is caught operating then it may put the company or the operator or sometimes even both in trouble. You can get yourself enrolled in a forklift training program to save yourself from all these hassles.

Forklift Operator

#1. Wear the Right Gear

Unlike regular jobs, being a forklift operator, you may always find yourself surrounded by heavy objects, loud noises, and sometimes even with hazardous chemicals. That is why nothing is as important as wearing the right gear like your safety clothing. These protective clothing are designed using flame resistance fabrics and come with reflective tape. Thus, making sure you are not only fireproof but can also be seen by everyone even in poor light. There are many types of Forklifts and each one of them has different uses. Choose your forklift and operate accordingly.

#2. Know How Much You Can Lift

Knowing the lifting capacity of your forklift is an important aspect of your job. This is because major parts of accidents that are caused by forklifts are so because they were overloaded with insecure weight loads that are unevenly distributed over the lifting area. Collectively, they put you at a higher risk of getting rollovers, damaged loads, load fall, collisions, and mechanical failure.

Know How Much You Can Lift

#3. Do not Speed

Speeding is tempting. And it surely helps you to save time. Even more, several organizations also link this with productivity. But is the reward worth taking the risk? No. You are actually putting your and your co-worker’s safety at higher risk. A wrong move and you’ll sit in your home regretting.

#4. Avoid Distractions

Using your cell phone, listening to your favorite music, and munching on snacks while operating your forklift may not look like a big thing at first glance. But they are the major reasons behind accidents and injuries. The next time, you plan to engage yourself in these activities… think twice. Also, you should follow some tips to hire the right forklift for your business.

#5. Plan Ahead and Communicate

Planning is crucial before moving heavy loads with your forklifts. This is because since forklifts have a lot of blind spots, it is important to plan your route beforehand rather than while driving. This ensures that the load moves without causing any drama on the site. Also, make sure that you’re in touch with your team to ensure the operation is done smoothly.

Plan Ahead and Communicate

#6. Do a Pre-Inspection

You may often find experienced operators taking a walk alongside the equipment and looking for something prior to driving. Ever wondered why? Well, what they are doing is called a pre-inspection. A daily pre-inspection doesn’t seem like a big deal. But it’s what separates the pros from newbies. Moreover, this also helps to ensure that the equipment is in working condition.

These were the six things that can help you to become a better forklift operator. And now that you’re familiar, make sure to add them. Also, if you’re new to the field, going with the forklift certification program beforehand will add great help. Are you looking for the latest, high-quality forklifts for rental or sale, contact Torcan Lift Equipment at 1-833-743-2500. Or if you have any other queries, you can visit our official website.