7 Things that can Go Wrong with a Scissor Lift

Things that can Go Wrong with a Scissor Lift

A scissor lift is an ariel machine used for lifting workers with light or no weight to a height for several purposes. It is compatible with both outdoor and indoor work. It derives its name from the scissor-like structure with a platform attached on the top for the workers to reach at height and complete their work on time.  The set of instructions by the manufacturer helps the operator to handle the scissor lift smoothly. These instructions provided should be abided by them to avoid any unforeseen incidents.

The reasons to use scissor lifts are many, but the fundamental reason is the viability to use in different terrain structures. Modern technical scissor lifts also support lifting on uneven terrains (only when you follow safety precautions). With several advantages, the operators can utilize it to its capacity. However, if operated by an untrained operator or a worker, these seven factors can go wrong with a scissor lift.

Movement on Height:

Though it feels safe for both the operator and worker to move with the scissor lift at a height, the truth is beyond expectation. It is risky even for a trained professional to handle the movement of a scissor lift with a worker on top of the platform. The case worsens when there is uneven ground or any overhead obstruction.

Wind is the Biggest Enemy:

It is generic advice to shut the scissor lift when the wind speed per kilometer increases than the specified limit. If operated in a windy condition, it affects stabilization of the scissor lift leading to falling accidents.

Do not use additional Equipment on the Platform:

The scissor lift safety rules specify not to use any additional equipment on the platform to increase the height. It can be a wooden/plastic chair, bucket, or small ladder. It is dangerous and directly proportional to serious fall accidents/injuries. One must be aware of the scissor lift training requirements and make himself capable before operating the machine onsite.

When operated by Untrained Workers:

A trained operator knows every technicality to handle a scissor lift whereas any untrained worker is a danger to such machine handling. There’s a scissor lift safety program conducted for the operators where they are trained with every part of handling and operating the scissor lift. Do not let untrained workers use the scissor lift with loads on the platform.

No Regular Maintenance:

A machine’s life is longer when they are well-maintained. A scissor lift or any ariel lift having a massive structure needs regular maintenance.  It is like food to the machine that helps it to perform better every day with efficiency.

Overloading of the Scissor Lift:

Scissor lift is the game of weight v/s height dynamic. There should be a complete balance between the height and the weight on the platform with the worker’s weight. If this proportion creates an imbalance, it causes accidents.

No Daily Audit Before and After use:

The Scissor lift and its functionality need auditing in detail before and after use. Be prepared with the checklist and validate every point before taking the machine to work and before setting it to rest for the day.

It becomes the prime duty of the operator/owner/onsite engineer/operator/worker/ any other concerned person to deal with the scissor lift in the most practical way without causing an accident. Are you looking for a scissor lift for your construction projects? You can contact Torcan Lift Equipment for construction machines for sale and rent. We deal in every type of construction equipment you need for your large-scale projects.

Give us a call on 1-833-743-2500, and our representatives will connect with you.