What is Stabilization of the Scissor Lift when Operating Onsite?

What is Stabilization of the Scissor Lift when Operating Onsite

A scissor lift is a piece of efficient equipment that allows workers to reach a height for several construction purposes. The equipment gets its name from the scissor-like hydraulic structure with a platform on the top to lift workers for their tasks. Apart from construction, many other industries use machines with utility. However, rising the scissor lift to a height is easy but stabilizing it on the site for work are two different corners.

A scissor lift works in a conducive environment. The wind is the first hindrance as it disturbs the stabilization leading to an accident. Here, the word stabilization means making the scissor lift physically more secure and stable at a height. It is done to keep the worker safe working on height. Unfortunately, seasonal changes are not stable every time. It is always advised by the experts to stop working on any such ariel platform when the wind is out of control at a height. The operator must complete their scissor lift safety training before practical application to avoid such painful accidents.

The Unfortunate Incident of a 20 Years Student:

The incident dates back to the year 2010 when a 20 years old student who was also an employee of the University of Notre Dame suffered from a tipover accident from a scissor lift. Though accidents are many, but this incident conspicuously reminds us of the danger while operating any ariel lift in a windy condition.

The boy was killed while filming the school’s football team practice from a scissor lift. The operator raised the lift over 39 feet and the speed of the wind was 60km/h. As a result, the boy fell from such a height and lost his life. The high winds blew the lift over, killing him and leading to instant death.

How to Achieve Stability of Scissor lift for Working at Height?

There are certain factors that every employer has to ensure before commencing work on a scissor lift. These factors guarantee stability and will not cause any tip over or collapsing incident. Some safe work practices to ensure safety, and stable conditions for scissor lift use include:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe movement—this usually rules out moving the lift in an elevated position.
  • Isolate the scissor lift or implement traffic control measures to ensure that other equipment cannot contact the scissor lift.
  • Select work locations with firm, level surfaces away from hazards that can cause instability (e.g., dropoffs, holes, slopes, bumps, ground obstructions, or debris).
  • Use the scissor lift outside only when weather conditions are good.
  • Scissor lifts rated for outdoor use are generally limited to wind speeds below 28 miles per hour.

Any ariel lift equipment provides multiple solutions. However, if scissor lifts are not stabilized or positioned, it can cause loss of life for the workers. If your site needs an efficient scissor lift for smooth operation, then contact Torcan lift equipment at (416) 743 2500 or visit our official website at torcanlift.com