Zoom Boom Training & Safety Programs

Zoom Boom Training

Torcan is offering Zoom Boom Training and Safety Programs which has several paybacks & can increase your work productivity.

Workplace safety is essential and can’t be overlooked.

While statistics are rapidly declining with the advent of more rigorous safety standards and more accountability in industry, the risks have not gone away.

Studies shows that across all workplace environments in Canada, there were an average of nearly 1,000 on-the job deaths per year between 2000 and 2012, and construction & manufacturing were two of the hardest hit industries.

And though the number of annual injuries has fallen from 5% of all workers in Canada to approximately 1.5% over the last 30 years, thousands of people are still missing work due to preventable on-the-job injuries.

Safety begins with quality training.

At Torcan’s, we have built our training program from the ground up, finding professionals with years of field experience to generate our programs. Then we ensure that all of the material meets OH&S Legislation, CSA standards and accepted industry practice before educators re-engineer the content to best interact with adult learning principles.

Topics Covered  in Zoom Boom Training Take account of:

  • Pre-use inspections
  • Theory of machine operations
  • Practical machine operations
  • Site awareness
  • Ground conditions
  • Safe work practices
  • Load movement
  • Stance and stability
  • Load security
  • Safety awareness

Familiarizing you with equipment that may be used on the jobsite and “hands-on” techniques, these courses require practical training that can only be accomplished in the classroom. We can teach you vital safety procedures including First Aid, Fire Extinguisher handling and Rope Rescue, among others.

For example, in Rope Rescue, you will learn techniques to protect yourself in the event that you need to perform a rescue, proper knots, rigging techniques, and the general technique for a safe high angle rope rescue.

Zoom Boom Training & Safety Programs– Areas Covered:

  • Safety Regulations & Standards
  • Zoom Boom Training Fundamentals
  • Principles of Stability, Balance & Capacity
  • Preventative Maintenance & Procedures (Pre-Operational Inspections)
  • General Rules of the Road
  • Job Safety Analysis
  • Safe Load Handling Techniques
  • Proper Start Up & Shut Down Protocol
  • Steering & Control
  • Refueling Gasoline, Diesel & LP Lift Trucks
  • Charging/Changing Industrial Batteries on Electric Powered Trucks
  • Designations for Powered Industrial Trucks

Contact us to discover the details of how we can put this cost-saving program to work for your facility. And remember, this unique program is included in our competitive pricing.Zoom Boom Training & Safety Programs

In the event that you have any query or thoughts regarding zoom boom training, please don’t hesitate to mail us your thoughts on (info@torcanlift.com) or

Call us at: 416-743-2500

We look forward to becoming your partner in safety.