Cost-Effective Leasing of Forklift Trucks in Toronto

JLG-G12-55AIn today’s business environments, huge numbers of our customers need portability that conventional equipment acquirement routines simply don’t offer.

Toracn’s Forklift Truck Rental and Leasing Programs offer options that decrease term duties, keep capital liquid, and even offer the capacity to trade equipment if a customer’s necessities change.

Single month to month invoicing incorporates full support scope which permits our customers to concentrate all alone business. Customers advantage by diminishing managerial endeavors and expelling startling repair costs from their working plans. We look to comprehend our customer’s extraordinary business challenges and apply our extensive assets, experience and innovativeness to outlining projects that get them the equipment they require, just when they require it, and at the most minimal conceivable expense.

Short Term Lift Truck Rentals
Quick delivery from our huge fleet of lift trucks.

Long Term Forklift Rentals
Supplement client’s lift truck fleet at significantly reduced rates for requirements that don’t justify a long term commitment.

Usage Programs
Reduced term commitments on state of the art forklift equipment, at a monthly cost competitive with traditional five year leasing.

Certified Pre-Owned Forklift Equipment
Reduce capital expense by supplementing the client’s fleet with latest model lift trucks.

Rent-to-Own Lift Trucks
Term Rental with customized buy-out options.

Torcan Lift Equipment also offers a wide range of safety-related training programs to meet your professional needs as well as the regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. We also provide Forklift Training opportunities in Toronto. So visit or call at 416-743-2500 if you are interested in becoming certified operator.