Ground Conditions to Operate Zoom Boom Safely

Ground Conditions to Operate Zoom Boom Safely

Zoom booms are the workhorses of the construction industry. They also serve the manufacturing and warehouse operations as well. Thoughtfully, they are a popular choice among workers whenever there is a need to lift or move heavy materials. Thanks to their easy-to-use design and their high lifting capacity. Some models also feature an engine swing-out tray which makes them easier on zoom boom maintenance workers as well. 

However, there are things that need your consideration before you operate one, particularly ground conditions. 

Foremost, the operators need to have a Zoom Boom Training in Operating it successfully without any scope of accident. If you don’t possess one, it’s highly recommended to get trained in operating telescopic handlers and get certified before operating these heavy pieces of machinery. Having trained beforehand can ensure the safety of the equipment, yourself, and the workers working in the vicinity. 

Now, before you REV the MOTOR, here are the ground conditions which you should consider before operating the zoom boom telehandler. 

#1. Make Sure the Terrain Isn’t Slippery

Operating a heavy piece of equipment like a zoom boom on a wet and slippery surface that too with carrying a load can be HAZARDOUS, as the stakes are pretty high. This is because driving on a slippery surface increases the risk of having ‘lost traction’ making the equipment difficult to steer and impacts braking. Overall, increasing the risk of causing collisions with the other equipment and injuries to co-workers or operators.

Recommendation: Drive the zoom boom with extra caution on wet and slippery surfaces. Also, be sure to drive slowly and double-check whether the load is secured or not. Take special care during the winter season. Keep the zoom boom working in cold conditions by taking extra care of the machine. 

#2. There Isn’t Too Much Elevation or Slope

Driving the zoom boom telehandlers on uneven surfaces doesn’t pose much threat. However, be careful while maneuvering them either on inclination or slope. The sole reason for it is because driving the zoom boom on a comparatively rough surface doesn’t cause much disturbance in the stability triangle or in other words the center of gravity doesn’t affect that much. The center of gravity is the key parameter that helps to determine the safety, braking, and stability of the vehicle. However, while driving the zoom boom on a slope or an inclination, one wrong acceleration or braking can cause the center of gravity to shift thus impacting the overall stability. Worst case, a rollover can occur. 

Recommendation: Before driving the zoom boom, make sure to physically inspect the route and check for any steep inclination or slope where you need to be careful. Also, make sure to check the manual for the maximum steep and inclination angle of the model of the zoom boom you’re driving. 

#3. The Overhead is Clear

Overhead low-lying fittings present in the area of operation also pose ‘collision risks’ to zoom booms that need consideration. 

Recommendation: Before moving loads, make sure to physically inspect the route and check for any overhead low-lying entities that might create trouble in the middle. 

#4. Keep the Surrounding Area Clear

A zoom boom has a lot of blind spots which further increase while hauling loads, increasing the risk of collisions or causing injuries to co-workers.  

Recommendation: Do a quick walkthrough of the area in which you’re going to operate the zoom boom. Prepare a mind map of areas where it needs extra caution. This not only ensures the safety of the workers working around but will also help you to become a better zoom boom operator. 

#5. Wear Proper Protective Gear

Wearing protective gear isn’t any ground condition that you need to look at. But it’s worth mentioning here as it plays a critical role. You won’t find zoom booms operating on the beaches (unless and until there is a need…obviously) but you can surely find them hauling loads in the construction sites, warehouses, or manufacturing units. And they are potentially high-risk areas to be worked on. 

Recommendation: To reduce the chances of having injuries or other health hazards on sites, make sure to wear personal protective equipment or simply PPE. 

Now that you know about ground conditions to operate the zoom boom safely, make sure to follow them onsite. This will help you to keep the safety of the load, yourself, and the workers in check. 

Hey, are you someone who is always looking for the best practices on how to safely operate a telehandler or the zoom boom? You can contact our team at 1-833-743-2500 for more details and to have an answer to your queries. You can also visit our official website to find out more about our certification program or in need to buy or rent zoom boom telehandlers or forklifts.